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你也许读过爱尔兰著名作家科尔姆·托宾的小说《大师》(这部小说为他赢得了2006年的都柏林国际文学奖),你或许也看过有英国钱锺书之称的戴维·洛奇的《作者,作者》,但你很可能却没真正领略过这两部小说描写的对象——一位小说大师——亨利·詹姆斯作品的真正风采。 你可以从这本《黛西·米勒》开始——一段完美旅程的开始。 亨利·詹姆斯(1843—1916),现代小说大师,世界文学史上最关键的小说家之一。他出身于纽约上层知识分子家庭,父亲和兄长均是著名学者和哲学家。他从小接受良好的教育,大学毕业后,便持久旅居欧洲,对19世纪末美国和欧洲的上层生活有细致入微

Learn TypeScript, JavaScript and Angular with Microsoft MVP James Henry from the ground up. From Fundamentals to Pro! James HenryTrying to perform operations onundefinedornullvalues is one of the most common causes of runtime errors in JavaScript code. Sometimes the variables in our programs intentionally hold undefinedornull- JavaScript is a very flexible language, and we can have legitimate reasons to want to use these values to express things in our code. Other times, we may inadvertently be interacting with the valuesundefinedandnullbecause we did not account for all the poss

Henry James(born April 15, 1843, New York, New York, U.S.—died February 28, 1916, London, England) was an American novelist and, as a naturalized English citizen from 1915, a great figure in the transatlantic culture. His fundamental theme was the innocence and exuberance of the New World in clash with the corruption and wisdom of the Old, as illustrated in such works asDaisy Miller(1879),The Portrait of a Lady(1881),The Bostonians(1886), andThe Ambassadors(1903). Henry James was named for his father, a prominent social theorist and lecturer, and was the younger brother of the

图书Henry James 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐 iPhoneAndroid音乐时间购书单Henry James 评价人数不足评价: 写笔记写书评加入购书单已在购书单分享到推荐内容简介· · · · · · Complete Stories 1884-1891 features among its seventeen stories some of James' greatest masterpieces, among them The Aspern Papers , a stunning novella about emotional ruthlessness in the service of literary scholarship, The Lesson of the Master , an intricate study of ambition, disappointment, and the demands of a life devoted to art; Brooksmith , a moving portrait of a hou (全部)Complete Stori



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登录正在看Henry James 地区:美国 生日:1843-04-15 职业:作家 / 学者 星座:白羊座 别名:Henry James Henry James,出生于1843年4月15日,文学家,代表作品有《一个美国人》、《一位女士的画像》、《鸽翼》、《使节》、《金碗》等。 分享: 相关明星 Jonathan Lunn电 影 未了阴阳情Stella Maris电 影 未了阴阳情Eddie Vincent电 影 未了阴阳情Nitin Chandra Ganatra电 影 未了阴阳情电 影 疯狂,悲伤和不良电 影 调情魔师Tasia Zalar电 影 无人Jenny Howe电 影 未了阴阳情电 影 螺丝在拧紧相关视频 回顶部首页电视剧综艺美剧法医秦明绝命毒师注册上传全部作品 电影 2010无人电影 199








